Our Services
One-Week Basic Website
A quick, low-cost solution. You provide all the copy and other assets for up to six pages: Home, About or Bio Page, Donate Page, Portfolio, Discography, Contact, Services/What We Do, etc. We’ll do basic design/layout, image processing (re-sizing, cropping, color/lighting correction) for up to 20 images (for a slideshow or portfolio or gallery). Some extras (Events Calendar, Paypal buttons for donations/purchases, logo design, etc) may be negotiated. Some restrictions apply. If you have your content and domain/web hosting ready to go, this may be your best, quickest option.

One-Page Brochure Websites

Sometimes you don’t need an extensive website – perhaps just a “calling card” so that potential clients or your audience knows how to find and contact you. Or just a sweet little something to tempt them to “like” your FaceBook page. There’s no reason to pay a fortune for a site full of fluff. With a few great photos, a mission statement or intro paragraph, a contact form, some links, and maybe some samples of what you have to offer, you’ve got yourself a knockout on-line brochure site. I’m happy to work with you to define your needs and build you a quick, inexpensive web presence.
Full-Service Website Design/Build
We will sit down and map out your site based on your needs, your audience/users, your budget, timetable, and your exisitng marketing material. We will discuss options like e-commerce, video or photo galleries, information architecture, client logins, blogs, other interactive elements, membership directories, best options for displaying products or other items, e-learning ideas, appointment or calendar services, subscription content, SEO, and so on. We will talk about what content you hope to regularly update yourself (a good way to improve your Google rankings), and how to accomplish that. Your site will be build on a robust platform, regularly updated for security and accessibility. I offer a service contract option to keep your site secure and up-to-date. And, of course, all sites will look great on small screens and mobile devices. Contact us to talk more about the process.

WordPress Site Maintenance
In general, there’s an alarming negligence around issues of website maintenance. For the record, it is just not true anymore that you can just set up a website and let it sit and take care of business. Standards and protocols – not to mention design trends – are continually changing. And especially with WordPress sites, core upgrades occur with great (and reassuring) regularity. The WordPress Community is made up of brilliant, creative, generous and tireless souls, always working to make WordPress better and more secure for all of us – users, developers, designers, customers!
So, it requires a bit of effort on the part of those of us who own or tend these sites to keep them updated and properly maintained, even if you are not (and why not?) changing your content or writing new blog posts every week or two. No site is 100% safe from hackers or malware or viruses, but proper maintenance can go a long way toward keeping your site more secure. And regular backups ensure that if anything happens (heaven forfend!) your site can be back up in no time, with your content in working order.
To be honest, there are tools that make it fairly easy, even for a non-technical user, to keep the back end of a WordPress website in great shape, but, for some reason, learning and using these tools seems to fall to the bottom of everyone’s Things-To-Do list. So, we offer these services for clients and others who might otherwise worry about keeping their site safe. We’ve developed three tiers with varying levels of maintenance. So choose your preference, and start feeling better about your website – one more worry off your plate!
WordPress Maintenance Plans & Services
Basic Maintenance
Super Hero
The One-Shot Deal
Basic Maintenance
- Regular, scheduled backups of site files and database
(stored on server) - Regular updates of WordPress core, themes and plugins
- Discount for annual payment
Professional – $70/month
- Regular file backups stored off-site
- WordPress core and theme updates
- Plugin updates
- Regular site reports
Super Hero
- Regular, scheduled backups (stored off-site)
- Regular Malware scans
- Regular updates to WordPress core files, themes and plugins
- 20 minutes per month of tweaks, consultation or tech support
(Does not roll over) - 20% off regular rate of $90/hr for additional tweaks or content updates
- Discount for annual payment
The One-Shot Deal
- A one-time update of your WP core files and database
- Includes themes & plugins
- Malware scan
- One complete backup saved on your server
- 10% off regular rate on other content updates
Additional rates may apply for unforeseen or previously undiagnosed technical issues.